Flexing the six feet physique
to fill the eight inch stomach
Whole body with heart and soul
do sweat until fatigue to have bread
for the quarter stomach only.
Labour Without seeing day or night, fully
to see the smiles of children.
Toil and moil of the poor is a mockery for the slaving rich.
If the nation makes it clear, free education to all until 18
Allow us to learn any lingoes
Oh! my beloved country!
Offer us shelter books, food and dress free
Equate every student without discrimination
But employ us only by our talent
Execute the same in the general election
Never try extracting grafts from the poor
Make us to live fellow beings without division
If every one gets right pay for the right labour,
To make our country to lead others
If it’s so we’re greatly gratified!
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By sellamuthu kandasamy on 18-5-2014
to fill the eight inch stomach
Whole body with heart and soul
do sweat until fatigue to have bread
for the quarter stomach only.
Labour Without seeing day or night, fully
to see the smiles of children.
Toil and moil of the poor is a mockery for the slaving rich.
If the nation makes it clear, free education to all until 18
Allow us to learn any lingoes
Oh! my beloved country!
Offer us shelter books, food and dress free
Equate every student without discrimination
But employ us only by our talent
Execute the same in the general election
Never try extracting grafts from the poor
Make us to live fellow beings without division
If every one gets right pay for the right labour,
To make our country to lead others
If it’s so we’re greatly gratified!
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By sellamuthu kandasamy on 18-5-2014
Desires OF Labour
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