What use, lips binding golden words?
If no shelter to reside in, clothes to wrap in, food to dine with,
Neither neighbors nor lords to govern us
Our right earnings make our lips together and
Keep us afresh with delight
Buzzing bees teach us to be active ever
Earth recognizes reputed human by origin
Perplex the world with erudition
Innovate with science and technology,
Nonviolent nuclear research and Information
Technology, trade and no field left to know
Alien natives customized trade and religion mastering lingoes
Why not you too confirm preferred to be supreme
Dump in superstition, dedicate for good
Hate hatred, become relatives through love
Remain true son of your soil,
Yearn success by exploring journey to the space
Curtail undeserved cowardly tongues
Employ your heirs as men of armed forces
Be kind enough with neighbors,
if not mirror their way
Entitle yourself as real patriot.
Elude brave speech on stages
Evade lavish life, empathy for others by offers
Unveil in your land, the idols of warriors of
the earth, the athletes and the best in the world.
Inherit the path of the best,
Exert the young to be their successor
Enroll in the history of the world. 
